A child’s whining can be motivated by many different things: tiredness, thirst, feeling unwell, needing an adult’s attention… The task of parents is to understand the reason and, even more importantly, to teach them how to control their emotions. According to psychologists even a four-year-old child is capable of removing whiny notes from his speech. How do you help him do that?
Fortunately, there is a simple trick that parents can use to wean their child from this unpleasant manner. Many adults know about this trick, but often fail when they try to use it, because they do not observe the most important condition: in the business of setting boundaries and changing habits, we must be 100% logical and consistent. With these simple tips and techniques you will calm your whiny baby and have more time for your hobbies, Mason Slots Casino or other things.

1. Whenever your child “turns on” a whimper, tell him or her with a smile (to let him or her know that you’re not angry): “I’m sorry, but your voice is so whiny right now that my ears can’t hear well. So please say it again in a big boy/girl voice.”
2. If the child continues to whine, put your palm to your ear and repeat with a smile: “I know you’re saying something, but my ears refuse to work. Can you please say the same thing in a big girl/boy voice?”
3. If after two of your requests your child is still whining, shrug your shoulders and turn away, ignoring his requests until he expresses his wish without whining.
Your goal is to gradually develop reasonable behavior, so it’s important to celebrate and reward any initial efforts on your child’s part.

1. For this technique to work, both you and your partner (if you have one) must always respond the same way until the child’s habit changes. The more persistent and stable you are, the faster it will happen.
2. To avoid a power struggle with your child, try to keep your tone as calm, even-tempered as possible and encourage him whenever you ask him to do so.
3 Don’t forget to reinforce his efforts with words of encouragement, spoken once.